Sunday, September 20, 2015

Something about SKKU 2

There will have big orientation for all the exchange students in Sungkyunkwan University and students will be divided in different group, each group will have a local student as a student tutor, you can contact them for any problem or hang out with them. Those students are all from “Hi-club”, a students group has a bunch of really heard warming and friendly people that take charge of exchange students. They will organize many meeting events and tell you how to get in Korean culture most quickly.


When the semester started I give many course I wanted because of the timing conflicts that many exchange students also mention the problem when we meet our student tutor. But luckily I take 5 profession courses and one course name is Practical Programming Languages, This is the course I really recommend for people who really interested in programming, like me, must take. One more tip, I really recommend that during the first studying week, you should take all you interested in and even those you didn’t get in. You will get a second change to adjust the schedule during the first weekend, so there is a possibility that there has some space in your wanted course. Also, there are some course that instruction language is English, but the teacher is really only has the course material in English but teach in Korea, or teacher may notice there is only one foreign student in the class, sadly like me, he will explain point in Korean, so the students are easy to understand. In the end I just canceled the course.

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